Honors Program


MU荣誉计划旨在吸引积极进取和学业有成的学生, and provide an interdisciplinary educational program; provide unique learning opportunities that engage and challenge students; develop a close mentoring relationship between students and faculty across disciplines; develop student leaders who are actively involved on-campus and in their community; promote the mission of Manchester University to graduate persons of ability and conviction who draw upon their education and faith to lead principled, productive, and compassionate lives that improve the human condition; and provide opportunities for faculty to challenge their own teaching/learning in an environment with motivated students.


十大网赌正规网址的荣誉课程吸引了各种背景的学生,他们对课程感兴趣, initiative, and ability to challenge themselves intellectually and culturally, to understand the interdependence of knowledge, 带着同情心去领导,在校园和社区服务,以过有原则和有成效的生活.


我们力求创造一个协作和包容的社区,以提高学生的学习, creativity, and discovery as a lifetime endeavor.


  • Learning, because high academic expectations 在一个结合文科和专业准备的环境中,使毕业生认识到知识的相互依存.
  • Leadership, because effective leaders 相信他人内在的自我价值,为每个人的成功创造一个信任和开放的氛围, in order that we all lead principled, productive, and compassionate lives.
  • Integrity, because honesty and trust are the foundations of teaching and learning, enriching, enduring relationships, and strong communities;
  • Community, because a positive community sharpens self-identity, promotes acceptance of the demands of responsible citizenship, and transforms conflict into mutual respect.

Eligibility and Applying


1. You can be invited to apply.

  • 在5月1日前提交完整的入学申请的准学生, 获得校长奖学金或院长奖学金的学生将被邀请申请荣誉项目.

2. Students already enrolled or who are transferring to Manchester University must: 


被大学录取并获得a的高中毕业生 Presidential Scholarship and apply for the Honors Program & attend Scholarship Day (Dec. 2, 2023) will be considered for our top academic scholarships. 虽然申请荣誉课程的最后截止日期是5月1日, Presidential Scholarship recipients who apply by Monday, November 27, 2023,都在这些顶级奖学金的候选名单中:

Honors Scholarship

One Honors Scholarship is awarded, and it covers tuition, fees, room and board per year (for up to four years). The Honors Scholarship replaces the Presidential Scholarship. Honors Scholars must maintain a 3.CGPA 5分,在荣誉课程中保持活跃状态,并以优异成绩毕业 & Achievement from the Honors Program. 

Trustee Scholarship

五个受托人奖学金将颁发给荣誉奖学金的前五名候补学生, and they are up to $24,000 per year (for up to four years).  The Trustee Scholarship replaces the Presidential Scholarship. Trustee Scholars must maintain a 3.CGPA 5分,在荣誉课程中保持活跃状态,并以优异成绩毕业 from the Honors Program.    

Scholarship Review process

所有总统奖学金获得者将被邀请参加周六十大网赌正规网址的奖学金日, 12月2日,将有一个独特的机会与荣誉项目的教师和在校生进行面试,以确定是否接受荣誉项目,以便荣誉委员会可以缩小决赛选手的范围,并颁发荣誉和信托奖学金. 所有参加会议的申请人将在12月中旬之前收到有关这些决定的信件.  

曼彻斯特奖学金的所有细节可以在以下网站找到: 361c.aaay5.com/scholarships

Honors Requirements

学生可以获得三种不同级别的荣誉认证之一, depending on the number of honors courses they have completed. Honors courses cannot be taken on a Pass/No-Pass basis.

I.      Honors and Achievement.
这一荣誉表彰是授予那些保持了累计3分的学生.平均成绩5分,完成至少18小时的荣誉课程, 9 hours outside of major, 6 hours in major, as well as 3 hours of honors theses (IDIV 495).   

II.     Honors.
这一荣誉表彰是授予那些保持了累计3分的学生.完成至少12小时的荣誉课程(可以包括FYS-H). At least 6 hours of coursework needs to be a the 300-400 level.

III.    Achievement.
这一荣誉表彰是授予那些保持了累计3分的学生.GPA不超过5分,并且没有完成荣誉课程的要求, but does complete 3 hours of Honors Thesis (IDIV 495). To qualify, 学生必须在四年级开始前申请,并且必须有导师的强烈推荐. 

The Goals of the Honors Program:

  • 学生将通过荣誉课程的机会挑战自己复杂的观点和跨学科的想法.
  • 学生将在课堂上积极学习,并从我们社区的各种经验中学习.
  • 通过积极参与荣誉课程,学生将在校园和社区中发展成为领导者.
  • Students will build collaborative relationships with faculty, staff, and peers through the First Year Writing Seminar, Honors Program Events, Honors Leadership Council, and the Honors Thesis.
  • Students will generate professional skills in formal writing, oral presentations, 通过荣誉论文展示的智力对话.


参加马里兰大学荣誉项目有很多好处, but the focus in our program is that you get to create your own experience. 在MU,荣誉学生可以选择预先安排的荣誉课程(荣誉项目已经由教师概述),或者他们可以计划转换他们已经注册的课程. 我们的目标是以有意义的方式促进荣誉学生社区的课程,促进所有MU学生的学习.

积极参加荣誉课程的学生还可以提前注册下一学期的课程, 提高学生对课程安排的控制水平. 学生能够与其他荣誉学生发展密切的关系,因为他们参加荣誉项目主办的活动. 学生能够向研究生院和雇主证明,他们在获得大学学位的过程中挑战了自己. 学生通过荣誉领导委员会学生小组发展他们的领导能力, 通过参与校园和当地社区的服务项目. Finally, 学生们会在毕业典礼上获得认可,并佩戴特殊的荣誉徽章,以表彰他们在MU取得的成就.


For more information, contact:

Pam Haynes, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs
Office: Academic Center 121 (NM campus)
Phone: 260-982-5326
Email: pshaynes@aaay5.com

